Web-Site Creation

        Are you one of those people who has yet to get a web site of their own; or worse, do you have a site on the web which is unattractive, and actually loses you business, or interest in your art?  However it may be that your present site-offerings are inadequate, we can help you to improve them.  We are skilled in the design of all types of  sites for the world wide web (including informational, entertaining, educational, and commercial sites) and we can help you to develop a web presence that matters.  We have developed sites for Recording Artists, to help them promote their work, and we have developed web-sites for Businesses, to help them reach more customers and serve them more effectively.  Whatever your product might be, or whatever the message you would hope for the world to see, we can help you to deliver it over the Internet, in a thoughtful and attractive manner.

        We are skilled designers and web-programmers, who have a knowledge of a fairly broad range of web technologies, and want to place our skills at your service.  We have the ability to use some of the finest development tools available, in order to craft your pages efficiently, with all of the dynamic behaviors you hope to preserve or create.  Some of the powerful web tools we are skilled in the use of are Macromedia Dreamweaver, Fireworks, and Flash; Zend Studio; CorelDraw, RAVE, and Photopaint; Sony Vegas; Apple QuickTime; Ulead PhotoImpact, Cool 3-D, and GIF Animator; and Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop.  We also possess more conventional tools like Netscape Composer and Microsoft Front Page, which we can use to your advantage when appropriate.  What is more pertinent, we know when to use which tools in order to achieve the results you require.

        Our sense of stylistic composition is honed by years of practice arranging objects on the page, and is expanded by the range of stylistic choices and behaviors one can have on the web.  Although some might rightly argue that you can put a greater range of graphical content onto a printed page, the extra element of dynamic actions and graphics on the web make it a powerful and compelling medium for expression and/or promotion.  When a button changes color as your mouse pointer hovers over it, or you can click on different parts of a map and get a description of various cities, these are dynamic behaviors.  When you combine interactivity and server-based dynamic behaviors, you get the capability to use forms to gather information or opinions, and you can have a wide variety of responses sent back to the user's browser, automatically.  Our local web-server (in-house) allows us to test all such behaviors here, before posting pages to the Internet.

        In short, we can make web pages that look exactly the way you want them to, and do the things you want them to do.  Let us create a site for you which is worthy of pride, as are those of our past and present clients.  Not all of the sites we have designed over the last 7 years are still up and running on the Internet, largely due to the break-up of bands we were managing sites for, but we are proud of our accomplishments over the years, and glad to have grown with the web, during that time.  We are knowledgeable about HTML, and first learned web-working by editing at this level, some time before HTML 4 came into common usage, which we eventually developed a thorough understanding of.  Somewhere along the way, we picked up a working knowledge of other web-languages like Java and JavaScript, PHP, and a little bit of CGI and Perl.  This means that we can make your pages do whatever you want them to.

        We can make your notes page send you an e-mail, if you like, or make your pages do a whole lot more interesting stuff.  We can design Flash animations, animated GIFs, interactive graphics, rollover buttons, forms and selection matrices, interesting mouse trail behaviors, and more.  The range of possible kinds of activity and interactivity are possible.  We can include background music, spoken words, or sound effects, full-motion video in a window, moving vector graphics with sound, and more.  All of the tools which used to be the purview of presentation graphics are now available on the web, and most people surfing the web have a machine powerful enough to actually see them.  In today's world, having a web-site has become more than a luxury.  Let us help to make your face on the Internet an attractive one, whether it is a stage or a storefront.  Call us, or e-mail, so that we can begin designing a site for you today.

Some sites we have designed,
and/or currently manage.









Thank you for your interest in
web-design at Diverse Productions.

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